C Type Conversion
C Type Conversion: C offers several ways to convert data from one type to another. Understanding these conversions is crucial for writing efficient and accurate code.
When working with integers in C, division (/) performs integer division, which discards the fractional part of the result and only keeps the whole number quotient. This is why dividing 5 by 2 only outputs 2, as 2.5 gets truncated to 2:
int main() {
int x = 5;
int y = 2;
int sum = 5 / 2;
printf("%d", sum);
return 0;
To get the right result, you need to know how type conversion works.
There are two types of conversion in C:
Implicit Conversion (automatically)
Explicit Conversion (manually)8
Implicit Conversion
Implicit Conversion (automatic): The compiler automatically converts values between compatible types during operations like arithmetic expressions. For example, adding an int and a float implicitly converts both to float before performing the calculation.
Explicit Conversion (manually)
Explicit Conversion (manual): You explicitly cast a value to a different type using the casting operator (type_name) expression. This allows converting incompatible types but requires caution due to potential data loss or undefined behavior.
For example, if you assign an int value to a float type:
int main() {
// Automatic conversion: int to float
float myFloat = 9;
printf("%f", myFloat);
return 0;