Course description

Learning jQuery nowadays can still be beneficial for several reasons, even though modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js have become popular. Here are the key reasons to learn jQuery:

1. Ease of Use

  • Simplified Syntax: jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming with an easy-to-use syntax and powerful features.
  • DOM Manipulation: Provides straightforward methods for manipulating the DOM, making it easier to traverse and modify HTML elements.

2. Cross-Browser Compatibility

  • Uniform Behavior: Ensures consistent behavior across different web browsers, handling various browser-specific quirks and bugs.
  • Compatibility Layer: Acts as a compatibility layer, allowing developers to write code without worrying about browser inconsistencies.

3. Rich Set of Plugins

  • Wide Range of Plugins: A vast library of plugins available for various functionalities, from sliders and modals to form validation and animations.
  • Extendability: Easily extendable with custom plugins to add specific functionality to your web applications.

4. Animation and Effects

  • Built-In Animations: Simplifies creating animations and effects, such as fading, sliding, and custom animations, with minimal code.
  • Easing Functions: Supports various easing functions for smoother and more visually appealing animations.

5. Event Handling

  • Simplified Event Handling: Provides a simplified way to handle events like clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs.
  • Delegated Events: Offers event delegation capabilities to manage events more efficiently, especially for dynamically added elements.

What will i learn?

  • You can quickly select and change elements on your web page.
  • Manage things like clicks and form submissions easily.
  • Add cool effects and animations to make your site more interactive.
  • Load and update information from a server without reloading the page.
  • Ensure your website works well across different web browsers.


  • Knowledge for HTML, CSS , JAVASCRIPT
  • Text Editor
  • Web Browser
  • jQuery Library
  • Internet Connection
  • Understanding of jQuery Syntax
  • JavaScript Console
  • Basic Problem-Solving Skills

Frequently asked question

jQuery streamlines complex JavaScript operations, reducing the amount of code needed for common tasks, enhancing cross-browser compatibility, and making it easier to manipulate DOM elements, handle events, and perform animations.

jQuery selectors are used to find and select HTML elements on a page. They are similar to CSS selectors and can be used to target elements by ID, class, tag, attributes, and more. For example, $('#myElement') selects an element with the ID myElement.

Yes, jQuery provides methods like .ajax(), .get(), and .post() to handle asynchronous HTTP requests easily. These methods simplify sending and receiving data from a server without reloading the page.

You can use browser developer tools to debug jQuery code. Tools like Chrome DevTools provide features to inspect elements, view console logs, set breakpoints, and step through code execution.

While jQuery remains widely used and relevant for many projects, its usage has decreased with the rise of modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries. It is still useful for projects requiring quick development or maintenance of legacy code.

Mukesh Nirala Sir

Principal Mentor studied M-Tech in CSE from Hyderabad.

My name is Mukesh Kumar Nirala, a programmer, teacher and above all a learner. I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you my idea and the vision behind Studide. Coding is the most in-demand skill of the twenty first century. People known to possess this skill command the world and are often more successful than their peers. Many people think coding can be mastered only by geniuses who have some supernatural intelligence levels, but I must tell you, you don’t need to be a genius to learn how to code; only determination is required.




Skill level


Expiry period

3 Months

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