Terms and Condition

Terms and Conditions


Your personal information is protected by our Privacy Policy, which is part of these Terms. View it at https://codelines.in/


Enrollment is confirmed upon payment. Accessing the site and browsing courses is free, but fees may change. Full course fees or first installments are due by admission day, with timely payments required for subsequent installments. Payment methods include cash, online/e-wallet, or DD/Cheque payable to Naresh i Technologies. Late payments will prevent class attendance.

Refund and Batch Change Policy:

A 15% non-refundable fee applies to all courses. Review the policy at https://codelines.in/ Students can switch batches by paying 50% of the course fee.

Modifications to Terms:

The company may change these terms without notice, effective immediately upon posting them on the website. Continued use indicates acceptance of changes.


Naresh i Technologies may change program details and timings without notice. Management decisions are final. NareshIT is not responsible for lost belongings. Courses may be canceled due to low enrollment, with options to reschedule or refund.

Code of Conduct:

Students must follow our code of conduct for a respectful environment. Misbehavior may result in class removal. Mobile phones must be silent, and offensive language is prohibited. No damage to property or attendance under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed.

Prohibited Activities:

Sharing copyrighted material without authorization, engaging in harassment, using automated tools, sharing personal contact information, posting inappropriate content, using content commercially without permission, engaging in fraud, or violating intellectual property rights is prohibited.

Steps to Report Copyright Infringement:

To report infringement, email https://codelines.in/with "Copyright Infringement Claim" in the subject, including a description, URL, and your contact info. Our team will review the claim.

Placement Assistance Programs:

CodeLines has a Placement Cell to help students with job placements, but we cannot guarantee employment.


We provide links to other sites for informational purposes and are not responsible for their content. Avoid spam links or links to CodeLines pages from external sites.

Contact Information:

For questions or feedback, email https://codelines.in/


The information on this website is for general purposes only. We strive for accuracy, but we do not guarantee it. Reliance on this information is at your own risk, and we are not liable for any losses. Technical issues may occur, and CodeLines reserves the right to limit access for users who violate our intellectual property rights.