Java Constructors
-A constructor in Java is a special method that is called when an object of a class is created.
-It is used to initialize the object's data members.
-The constructor name must be the same as the class name, and it cannot have a return type
Types of Java constructors
There are two types of constructors in Java:
- Default constructor .
- Parameterized constructor.
A constructor is called "Default Constructor" when it doesn't have any parameter.
//Java Program to create and call a default constructor class Car{ //creating a default constructor Car(){System.out.println("Car is created");} //main method public static void main(String args[]){ //calling a default constructor Car b=new Car(); } } Output: Car is created
-The default constructor is used to provide the default values to the object like 0, null, etc., depending on the type.
A constructor which has a specific number of parameters is called a parameterized constructor.
The parameterized constructor is used to provide different values to distinct objects. However, you can provide the same values also.>
//Java Program to demonstrate the use of the parameterized constructor. class Car1{ int id; String name; //creating a parameterized constructor Car1(int i,String n){ id = i; name = n; } //method to display the values void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);} public static void main(String args[]){ //creating objects and passing values Car1 s1 = new Car1(444,"Honda"); Car1 s2 = new Car1(555,"Alto"); //calling method to display the values of object s1.display(); s2.display(); } }
Output: 444 Honda 555 Alto
Constructor Parameters
Constructors can also take parameters, which is used to initialize attributes.
The following example adds an int y parameter to the constructor. Inside the constructor we set x to y (x=y). When we call the constructor, we pass a parameter to the constructor (5), which will set the value of x to 5:
public class Main { int x; public Main(int y) { x = y; } public static void main(String[] args) { Main myObj = new Main(5); System.out.println(myObj.x); } } // Outputs 5
You can have as many parameters as you want:
public class Main { int modelYear; String modelName; public Main(int year, String name) { modelYear = year; modelName = name; } public static void main(String[] args) { Main myCar = new Main(1969, "Mustang"); System.out.println(myCar.modelYear + " " + myCar.modelName); } } // Outputs 1969 Mustang