CSS Transitions
CSS Transitions are a feature in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that allow developers to smoothly animate the changes in CSS property values over a specified duration. With CSS transitions, you can define the transition effect for an element when its state changes, such as when its size, color, position, or other properties are altered.
Here are the key components of CSS Transitions:
Transition Property
This property specifies the CSS properties that should be transitioned. You can specify multiple properties separated by commas. For example:
Transition Delay
This property specifies a delay before the transition effect starts. It allows you to delay the beginning of the transition. You can specify the delay in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms). For example:
Transition Duration
This property sets the duration of the transition effect. It defines how long the transition takes to complete. You can specify the duration in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms). For example
Transition Timing Function
By combining these properties, developers can create smooth and visually appealing effects when elements change state on a web page. CSS transitions are widely supported across modern web browsers and provide a lightweight way to add animation without JavaScript or external libraries. They are particularly useful for creating hover effects, menu animations, and other interactive elements.