CSS Tutorial
CSS is a style sheet or presentational language we use to style, layout and format an HTML document.
CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.
For example: You can use CSS to change the color, backgrounds, borders, paddings, margins, fonts, icons, position
and various other properties of HTML elements in a web document.
In this tutorial you will learn CSS from basic to advance.
<html> <head> <style> body { background-color: gray; } h1 { color: white; text-align: center; } p { font-family: verdana; font-size: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>My First CSS Example</h1> <p>Welcome to CSS Tutorial.</p> </body> </html>
My First CSS Example
Welcome to CSS Tutorial.
The above example shows CSS syntax used to style the HTML elements with css characters such as body tag with a background color,
h1(heading) tag with color and center alignment, the paragraph p tag with a font and font size.
Given below is the outcome of the above example